MK9 2 Milton Keynes

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
MK9 2BN £179,500 12 £50,000 - £247,000
MK9 2BQ £233,500 30 £163,000 - £327,500
MK9 2BS £215,000 15 £155,000 - £269,000
MK9 2BU £187,500 21 £52,500 - £255,000
MK9 2BX £172,000 24 £42,500 - £247,000
MK9 2DA £191,500 8 £122,500 - £256,000
MK9 2DB £222,000 18 £162,000 - £275,000
MK9 2DG £265,000 12 £205,000 - £428,000
MK9 2EL £235,000 3 £200,000 - £270,000
MK9 2FB £197,000 18 £87,000 - £260,000
MK9 2FD £265,500 5 £249,500 - £282,500
MK9 2FE £219,500 13 £56,000 - £358,000
MK9 2FG £138,500 12 £47,500 - £280,000
MK9 2FH £140,500 14 £40,500 - £280,000
MK9 2FJ £137,500 5 £57,500 - £280,000
MK9 2FL £143,000 5 £58,500 - £302,500
MK9 2FN £264,500 6 £191,000 - £310,000
MK9 2FP £265,000 7 £183,000 - £350,000
MK9 2FQ £320,500 6 £254,000 - £365,000
MK9 2FR £103,000 9 £55,000 - £227,000
MK9 2FT £157,500 9 £54,000 - £285,000
MK9 2HS £226,000 12 £180,000 - £270,000
MK9 2JH £230,000 11 £190,000 - £260,000
MK9 2PG £249,500 17 £195,000 - £340,000
MK9 2PS £189,000 5 £157,500 - £220,000
MK9 2PT £182,000 4 £170,500 - £187,500

Monthly averages

    012345Nov 2014Mar 2015Aug 2015Dec 2015Apr 2016Aug 2016Jan 2017May 2017Sep 2017Jan 2018May 2018Sep 2018Jan 2019May 2019Sep 2019Jan 2020Jun 2020Mar 2021Jul 2021Nov 2021

    Average price by type and tenure

    Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
    Freehold - - - -
    Leasehold £212,820 £185,000 - -

    Price brackets

      012345£0 - £100,000£100,000 - £200,000£200,000 - £300,000£300,000 - £400,000
