MK6 4 Milton Keynes

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
MK6 4AF £305,000 8 £245,000 - £390,000
MK6 4AJ £393,000 12 £138,500 - £576,500
MK6 4AL £354,000 2 £305,000 - £403,000
MK6 4AN £276,500 18 £90,000 - £390,000
MK6 4AP £117,000 25 £43,500 - £470,000
MK6 4AQ £322,000 12 £100,000 - £450,000
MK6 4AR £229,000 2 £68,000 - £390,000
MK6 4AS £189,000 3 £183,000 - £197,500
MK6 4AU £266,000 20 £88,000 - £400,000
MK6 4AW £346,000 16 £55,500 - £537,500
MK6 4AX £361,500 10 £237,000 - £625,000
MK6 4AY £375,500 4 £365,000 - £387,000
MK6 4AZ £311,500 2 £310,000 - £313,000
MK6 4BD £282,500 2 £267,000 - £297,500
MK6 4BE £383,000 5 £375,000 - £385,000
MK6 4HD £141,500 2 £112,500 - £170,000
MK6 4HE £136,000 2 £133,500 - £138,500
MK6 4HG £153,500 9 £115,000 - £177,000
MK6 4HH £138,000 4 £80,000 - £195,000
MK6 4HJ £151,000 5 £132,000 - £175,000
MK6 4HL £129,500 3 £102,500 - £167,000
MK6 4HN £150,000 8 £120,000 - £183,000
MK6 4HP £82,500 2 £70,000 - £95,000
MK6 4HQ £150,000 3 £130,000 - £175,000
MK6 4HR £145,500 8 £118,000 - £175,000
MK6 4HS £107,000 2 £85,000 - £129,000
MK6 4HT £145,000 1 £145,000 - £145,000
MK6 4HU £121,500 6 £72,000 - £165,000
MK6 4HW £157,000 6 £148,000 - £180,000
MK6 4HX £170,000 2 £145,000 - £195,000
MK6 4HY £168,500 2 £162,000 - £175,000
MK6 4HZ £136,500 3 £125,000 - £145,000
MK6 4JB £150,000 1 £149,500 - £150,000
MK6 4JD £153,000 7 £120,000 - £185,000
MK6 4JE £75,000 1 £75,000 - £75,000
MK6 4JF £146,500 3 £125,000 - £170,000
MK6 4JW £116,500 23 £43,500 - £157,500
MK6 4JX £154,500 2 £153,500 - £155,000
MK6 4LA £163,500 4 £144,500 - £210,000
MK6 4LB £190,000 2 £155,000 - £225,000
MK6 4LE £201,000 4 £173,000 - £220,000
MK6 4LG £168,000 4 £150,000 - £195,000
MK6 4LH £156,000 5 £98,000 - £206,000
MK6 4LL £159,000 2 £147,000 - £171,000
MK6 4LN £125,000 1 £125,000 - £125,000
MK6 4LP £168,000 4 £145,000 - £200,000
MK6 4LR £227,000 7 £176,000 - £265,000
MK6 4LS £211,000 9 £136,000 - £260,000
MK6 4LT £208,000 5 £185,000 - £245,000
MK6 4LU £241,500 5 £187,000 - £290,000
MK6 4LW £186,500 5 £148,500 - £215,000
MK6 4LY £177,500 2 £94,500 - £260,000
MK6 4NA £200,000 4 £152,000 - £250,000
MK6 4NJ £106,000 8 £42,000 - £207,000

Monthly averages

    012345Oct 2014Mar 2015Aug 2015Jan 2016Jun 2016Nov 2016Apr 2017Sep 2017Feb 2018Jul 2018Dec 2018May 2019Oct 2019Apr 2020Nov 2020Apr 2021Sep 2021

    Average price by type and tenure

    Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
    Freehold - £187,266 £257,199 £390,646
    Leasehold £102,063 £104,275 £103,624 -

    Price brackets

      012345£0 - £100,000£100,000 - £200,000£200,000 - £300,000£300,000 - £400,000£400,000 - £500,000£500,000 - £600,000
