MK43 1
Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.
Average price
Number of sales
Price change

Last five years
Average price | Sales | Price range | |
MK43 1AA | £417,500 | 42 | £315,000 - £500,000 |
MK43 1AB | £331,000 | 22 | £104,000 - £485,000 |
MK43 1AJ | £399,500 | 50 | £270,000 - £495,000 |
MK43 1AL | £407,000 | 5 | £395,000 - £425,000 |
Monthly averages
Average price by type and tenure
Flat | Terraced | Semi-detached | Detached | |
Freehold | - | £270,833 | £320,661 | £436,655 |
Leasehold | - | £104,000 | - | - |
Price brackets
- Average prices are rounded to the nearest £500.
- All commercial transactions, sales that have not been lodged with HM Land Registry or sales that were not for full market value are excluded.
- Figures are based on data collected at the time a property transaction is registered with HM Land Registry and will not necessarily be up to date with the most recent information.