MK15 8 Milton Keynes

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
MK15 8AB £233,500 4 £189,500 - £255,000
MK15 8AD £253,500 4 £228,000 - £295,000
MK15 8AE £208,000 7 £173,000 - £242,000
MK15 8AF £225,500 4 £205,000 - £242,000
MK15 8AG £221,500 9 £194,000 - £270,000
MK15 8AJ £200,000 1 £200,000 - £200,000
MK15 8AL £202,000 2 £156,000 - £248,000
MK15 8AN £228,000 9 £116,000 - £280,000
MK15 8AP £317,000 5 £276,500 - £360,000
MK15 8AQ £223,500 8 £187,000 - £248,000
MK15 8AR £340,000 1 £340,000 - £340,000
MK15 8AS £311,000 9 £128,000 - £373,000
MK15 8AT £220,500 3 £136,500 - £305,000
MK15 8AU £516,500 2 £495,000 - £537,500
MK15 8AW £285,500 8 £200,000 - £425,000
MK15 8AX £394,000 4 £228,500 - £550,000
MK15 8AY £476,000 5 £305,000 - £655,000
MK15 8JA £190,000 1 £190,000 - £190,000
MK15 8PA £202,500 2 £185,000 - £220,000
MK15 8PB £207,500 3 £110,000 - £278,000
MK15 8PD £449,500 3 £400,000 - £540,000
MK15 8PF £95,000 1 £95,000 - £95,000
MK15 8PG £298,500 10 £220,500 - £445,000
MK15 8PH £93,000 4 £85,000 - £100,000
MK15 8PJ £80,000 1 £80,000 - £80,000
MK15 8PL £380,000 1 £380,000 - £380,000
MK15 8PP £203,000 6 £75,000 - £295,000
MK15 8PQ £266,500 10 £176,000 - £348,000
MK15 8PR £228,500 7 £80,000 - £315,000
MK15 8PS £138,500 2 £87,000 - £190,000
MK15 8PZ £189,500 1 £189,500 - £189,500
MK15 8QA £302,500 3 £212,000 - £415,000
MK15 8QB £300,000 2 £245,000 - £355,000
MK15 8QD £344,500 12 £230,000 - £520,000
MK15 8QH £750,000 1 £750,000 - £750,000

Monthly averages

    012345Nov 2014Mar 2015Aug 2015Dec 2015Apr 2016Sep 2016Jan 2017Jul 2017Dec 2017May 2018Sep 2018Mar 2019Jul 2019Dec 2019May 2020Nov 2020Apr 2021Dec 2021

    Average price by type and tenure

    Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
    Freehold £232,000 £222,886 £262,394 £356,784
    Leasehold £88,000 - £101,125 £107,611

    Price brackets

      012345£0 - £100,000£100,000 - £200,000£200,000 - £300,000£300,000 - £400,000£400,000 - £500,000£500,000 - £600,000£600,000 - £700,000
