MK11 4

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
MK11 4AA £341,500 17 £249,500 - £490,000
MK11 4AB £513,500 9 £389,500 - £600,000
MK11 4AD £357,000 25 £100,000 - £550,000
MK11 4AE £353,500 7 £299,500 - £473,000
MK11 4AF £350,500 7 £299,500 - £465,000
MK11 4AG £228,500 50 £99,000 - £292,500
MK11 4AH £330,000 21 £70,000 - £506,500
MK11 4AJ £313,000 7 £195,000 - £386,000
MK11 4AL £355,500 15 £125,000 - £503,000
MK11 4AN £282,500 26 £199,000 - £518,000
MK11 4AP £400,500 16 £267,500 - £517,000
MK11 4AQ £264,000 29 £84,000 - £420,000
MK11 4AR £214,000 22 £78,500 - £382,500
MK11 4AS £466,000 22 £250,000 - £680,000
MK11 4AT £384,500 7 £235,000 - £565,000
MK11 4AU £302,000 54 £115,500 - £467,000
MK11 4AW £217,500 16 £77,000 - £362,000
MK11 4AX £402,500 20 £305,500 - £545,000
MK11 4AY £306,500 23 £217,500 - £421,000
MK11 4AZ £322,500 4 £299,500 - £363,000
MK11 4BB £193,000 20 £172,500 - £231,000
MK11 4BD £526,000 17 £459,500 - £680,000
MK11 4BE £429,000 18 £315,000 - £633,000
MK11 4BF £506,000 6 £373,500 - £600,000
MK11 4BG £306,000 8 £254,500 - £350,000
MK11 4BH £479,500 8 £280,500 - £741,000
MK11 4BJ £319,000 45 £157,500 - £386,000
MK11 4BL £375,000 17 £275,500 - £530,000
MK11 4BN £611,500 19 £280,500 - £788,000
MK11 4BP £494,000 12 £276,500 - £736,000
MK11 4BQ £175,000 1 £175,000 - £175,000
MK11 4BR £256,500 29 £200,000 - £466,000
MK11 4BS £605,500 15 £485,500 - £776,000
MK11 4BU £301,000 10 £70,000 - £430,000
MK11 4BW £533,000 30 £365,500 - £748,000
MK11 4BZ £371,000 28 £185,000 - £480,000
MK11 4DA £311,500 9 £71,500 - £451,000
MK11 4FH £270,500 13 £115,000 - £393,000

Monthly averages

    012345Oct 2015Feb 2016Jun 2016Oct 2016Feb 2017Jun 2017Oct 2017Feb 2018Jun 2018Oct 2018Feb 2019Jun 2019Oct 2019Feb 2020Jun 2020Oct 2020Feb 2021Jun 2021Oct 2021Feb 2022

    Average price by type and tenure

    Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
    Freehold £270,620 £334,212 £347,382 £499,645
    Leasehold £206,297 £150,708 £150,250 -

    Price brackets

      012345£0 - £100,000£100,000 - £200,000£200,000 - £300,000£300,000 - £400,000£400,000 - £500,000£500,000 - £600,000£600,000 - £700,000
