MK1 1 Bletchley

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
MK1 1BA £423,500 2 £390,000 - £456,500
MK1 1BE £233,500 3 £199,500 - £250,000
MK1 1BG £365,000 2 £320,000 - £410,000
MK1 1BH £270,000 12 £210,500 - £363,000
MK1 1BL £317,500 2 £290,000 - £345,000
MK1 1BP £766,500 1 £766,500 - £766,500
MK1 1BQ £338,500 18 £248,000 - £475,000
MK1 1BW £542,500 2 £500,000 - £585,000
MK1 1BY £241,000 4 £168,000 - £350,000
MK1 1NE £85,000 1 £85,000 - £85,000
MK1 1NF £84,000 2 £80,000 - £88,000
MK1 1NG £76,500 2 £70,000 - £82,500
MK1 1NQ £85,500 3 £78,000 - £94,000
MK1 1SW £650,000 1 £650,000 - £650,000

Monthly averages

    012345Nov 2014Apr 2015Aug 2015Jan 2016Aug 2016Nov 2016Mar 2017Aug 2017Feb 2018May 2018Dec 2018Jul 2019Feb 2020Sep 2020Mar 2021Jul 2021

    Average price by type and tenure

    Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
    Freehold - £181,500 £284,092 £426,277
    Leasehold £83,071 - £80,000 -

    Price brackets

      012345£0 - £100,000£100,000 - £200,000£200,000 - £300,000£300,000 - £400,000£400,000 - £500,000£500,000 - £600,000£600,000 - £700,000
