L5 1 Liverpool

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
L5 1AA £138,500 12 £111,500 - £160,000
L5 1AB £135,500 18 £99,500 - £187,000
L5 1AE £143,000 14 £130,000 - £155,000
L5 1AF £140,000 19 £116,500 - £168,000
L5 1AG £109,500 7 £90,000 - £125,000
L5 1AH £136,000 19 £111,500 - £190,000
L5 1TP £128,000 1 £128,000 - £128,000
L5 1TX £54,500 8 £36,500 - £80,000
L5 1UR £123,500 7 £99,500 - £138,000
L5 1UY £125,500 6 £103,500 - £137,000
L5 1XJ £126,500 3 £114,500 - £135,000
L5 1XP £119,500 12 £94,000 - £162,000

Monthly averages

Average price by type and tenure

Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
Freehold - £123,135 £141,095 £175,676
Leasehold - £128,000 - -

Price brackets
