DN17 Althorpe, Amcotts, Bottesford Moor, Bottesford, Crowle, Derrythorpe, Ealand, East Butterwick, Eastoft, Garthorpe, Gunness, Keadby, Luddington, Messingham, North Ewster, Scunthorpe, Susworth, West Butterwick, Yaddlethorpe

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change



Average price Sales
DN17 1 Scunthorpe £136,500 364
DN17 2 Scunthorpe £151,500 550
DN17 3 Messingham £190,000 325
DN17 4 Crowle (North Lincolnshire) £191,500 280

Last five years

Monthly averages

Average price by type and tenure

Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
Freehold - - - -
Leasehold - - - -

Price brackets
