BB11 1 Burnley

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
BB11 1AP £45,500 2 £41,000 - £50,000
BB11 1EL £63,000 1 £62,500 - £63,000
BB11 1EQ £97,500 15 £92,500 - £107,000
BB11 1ER £65,000 18 £60,000 - £70,000
BB11 1JY £149,500 1 £149,000 - £149,500
BB11 1LA £130,000 1 £130,000 - £130,000
BB11 1PJ £55,500 3 £30,000 - £77,000
BB11 1RY £75,000 3 £62,000 - £85,000
BB11 1SD £45,000 1 £45,000 - £45,000
BB11 1TS £110,000 1 £110,000 - £110,000
BB11 1UG £65,000 2 £35,000 - £95,000

Monthly averages

    012345Jun 2015Mar 2016May 2016Apr 2017Apr 2018Sep 2018Dec 2018Apr 2019Jul 2019Nov 2019Aug 2020Dec 2020

    Average price by type and tenure

    Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
    Freehold £110,000 £73,500 - -
    Leasehold £77,793 £74,750 - -

    Price brackets

      012345£0 - £100,000
